Home > Amiel Alcantara > amiel alcantara death court case – theresa torres in court today, march 12, 2009

amiel alcantara death court case – theresa torres in court today, march 12, 2009


theresa torres as she leaves the court this morning



posted by docMartin:

I post this as an observer during the arraignment proceedings held this morning, 12 March 2009 at Branch 107 at the QC City Hall of Justice. I am not a lawyer and do not pose as one. I am a mere observant and commentator.

The scheduled arraignement began at 8:36am. The judge entered and all were asked to rise. Two other cases where first heard then finally our much awaited case was on by 9am. As in any other case, the complainant and defense are asked to identify themselves. I am surprized how the accussed Mrs. Torres deliberately softens her voice and tries to misleads the court with regards to her name. The case was filed against her on March 25, 2008 and she then gave her name as Ma. Theresa Songco Torres. When asked by the judge questions (just re-phrasing the previous identity question) she says something else. She says she is Ma. Theresa Torres Laki. The judge, perplexed by her soft voice asks her counsel to produce proofs of her identity such as passport and marriage certificates. She claimed to be a single parent yet she said she has a marriage certificate. Live in? A mistress perphaps of a known figure? Obviously, there was no Mr. Laki around to accompany her. There where two men sitting behind her, maybe a brother and/or father. I have information on Mr. Laki but I reserve this for my future postings. I have to make sure first.

As a non-legal observer of the proceedings, I asked myself. How can she not answer the judge outright by stating her full name? My prep nephew and niece can answer that quesiton in seconds, and they both have very looooong full names? What are you hiding from us Theresa? Why do you deliberately mislead the questioning right from the begining on the night after the killing of my nephew? Cant you face your accussers?

I would like to comment on the defenses’ motion to “quash” certain issues of the case. But I am not an authority on this. Just this for now. You may view my next videos of the arraignment on my youtube.com account. Search for mmnMoreno.

posted as a comment here: https://wawam.wordpress.com/2009/03/10/theresa-torres-suspect-in-the-amiel-alcantara-death-to-be-arraigned-in-court-on-thursday-march-12/#comments

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